Originally posted by Dave Asselin
Howdy doody boys and girls, I'm obviously new to your forum. I started reading because I am thinking about becoming an umpire in the southern Jersey area. I thought I knew the lion's share of the rules of softball until I began reading. I never realized how truly stupid I am. Info about dragging the foot and base runner interference have my head spinning. I started getting interested when I was umping for my daughter's rec league games as a parent volunteer. It seems I have a knack for it and I can ignore the more boisterous fans out there. I asked a couple of coach friends and they said they'd get me in touch with the right people. Am I getting in over my head or is this something I can learn? It seems ASA(?) is the association I should look into, is this correct? Is there a way to read the rules on line. And last but not least, how do I go about taking this test I read about? It sounds like a lot of fun, I hope I'm not getting in over my head. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Where in South Jersey? If your in the SW portion, just jump across the DMB and work with us in DE. We will make you an ASA and NFHS umpire. If you're on the other shore, Tom McCarville is probably a good place to start.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.