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Old Mon Nov 26, 2007, 02:14pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
You are officiating a HS game that employs a shot clock. The shot clock shows 8 seconds remaining. A1 has the ball OOB for a throw-in. He holds the ball across the boundary plane and B1 creates a held ball situation.

Are you saying that the shot clock should reset?
Ok, I've been doing some more thinking about this. And you're correct, that in the above situation, we would NOT reset the shot clock. We have an explicit exception for a held ball DURING THE THROW-IN.

But how about this? A1 releases the throw-in pass. It is deflected by B1, but neither team secures control. A2 and B2 simultaneously cause a held ball. The possession arrow favors Team A.

As our NFHS case plays for '07 make clear, the throw-in ends when the ball is deflected by B1. So now, in my play, we have a held ball when neither team is in control -- and it's NOT during a throw-in.

In this case, in high school only, I believe we should have a reset of the shot clock.

What do you think?
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