Thread: Official calls
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Old Mon Nov 26, 2007, 06:13am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by rngrck
What is the proper mechanics for citing an illegal screen and delay of game warning??
If you are going strictly by NFHS mechanics, then the proper sequence for an illegal screen depends upon whether or not it is a team-control foul. It doesn't have to be. For example, it could take place during a throw-in.

As others have said the NFHS signal is the same as a blocking foul.
If it is a team-control foul, you first use the first in the air, then give the punch signal, then also give the blocking signal on the court, then indicate the spot of the foul. You would do the same when reporting at the table. This is outlined in last year's NFHS preseason guide on page 5.
If the foul is not a team-control foul, then just leave out the punch signal.

The delay of game warning is simply reported to the scorer who records it in the official book and also reported to the coach. It is all verbal and after sounding the whistle and putting up an open hand to stop the clock, if necessary, there is no mechanic. Just go to the reporting area and speak.
BTW since this is not a foul, the officials would not switch.
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