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Old Tue May 14, 2002, 10:46am
Bfair Bfair is offline
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Re: clarification

Originally posted by FSCoach
But as the opposing coach or umpires, if I allow the other team to use players with the same uniform # how am I supposed to know if the player that is up is the player that is supposed to be up. How do I know that the pinch hitter #13 isn't the original #13? Am I supposed remember his physical characteristics?
How do you know the proper number is the proper player even if they all have separate numbers?
How do you know they don't switch jerseys in the dugout?

If it bothers you that much, make them produce a driver's license, if they're too young to have one, then they're too young to complain about.............

Of course, I'd also check all your ID's if I'm the opposition.

BTW, I wouldn't make them produce ID's unless league rule supported it (which some adult leagues do).
I was just trying to make a point.

Baseball is a game.......................
Sometimes the kids mature faster than their managers........

Just my opinion,


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