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Old Sat Nov 24, 2007, 09:07am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by rainmaker

Your opinion counts for a lot. Thanks for the explanation. I appreciate you spelling out the details. What I'm working on this year (from the stands) is getting into the heads of experienced, capable refs so I can adjust my own judgment and decisions to that level.
I had a play earlier this year. My partner was administering a FT, then blew teh whistle and indicated a technical foul on the defender. I "assumed" that is was for touching / dislodging the ball.

He reported it, the coach squawked a little, we administered the FTs and went on with the game.

After the game, my partner indicated that the T was for stepping OOB with both feet.

Had he come to me after reporting and before the FTs (and maybe even before the subsequent throw-in), I would have suggested that we reverse the T.
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