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Old Mon May 13, 2002, 05:16pm
Rick Vietti Rick Vietti is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 197

I would like an opionion on the following play for both Fed and ASA.

Runners on 2nd & 3rd 2 outs.
Base hit by B/R
R3 comes home but misses home plate
R2 advances to 3rd before R3 goes into dugout.
Catcher chases R3 into dugout to try and tag R3 for missing home. Catcher takes the ball into dead ball territory.

What are the base awards for carrying the ball into dead ball territory by the catcher intentionally?

After the awarded bases, defense appeals R3 for missing home plate.

Does R2's run count because the award was made prior to the appeal?

Our local UIC insists that awarded bases take precedence over the appeal and the rule that states no succeeding runs score if the preceding runner is out because of missing a base or not tagging up. I cannot find any rule that tells me that an awarded base takes precedence over an appeal.
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