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Old Mon May 13, 2002, 09:20am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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John, if players actually care about what is said in the pre-game conference, I'd be shocked. However, I could obviously be wrong about that. I would not encourage lengthy conversations in the captains' meeting anyway. But this is largely a matter of style probably, and I don't think either approach is inherently bad. It's just that -- in my personal experience -- most of what is said before the game is forgotten within 30 seconds. If you think it's working for you, then keep doing it.

Having said that, let me say something in case I've been unclear. I will never discourage a player or coach from asking me a genuine question. If a player doesn't understand what the call was or who it was on, I don't turn those questions away. I'm not saying that we should not interact with the players. My only point was that the captains' meeting is usually not a productive time to try to interact with them. Personally, I find it more natural and relaxed to talk to the players during the warm-ups (while I stealthily check them for jewelry).

Just my opinion.

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