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Old Mon Nov 19, 2007, 11:16am
Rev.Ref63 Rev.Ref63 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 149
Originally Posted by tomegun
...too many officials worry too much about once-in-a-career situations yet they can't do the fundamental stuff necessary to properly officiate any game let alone a high school varsity game.
Perhaps you should consider that this situation was brought up in an Internet chatroom. Is that not what this place is for? You act as if I am going to go out tonight and look for a reason to make this call. In reality, I'll probably never face this situation. I am not "worried" about it in the least. It was a situation that I had questions about, so I brought it here.

As officials, there are rules that are clear and calls that must be made that require no judgment (double dribble, 3-seconds, backcourt violation, etc...). There are others that do require judgment (block/charge, unsporting conduct, etc...). For an official to make sure that he is making the right judgment call in no way reflects on his ability to make "fundamental" calls.
My Greatest Call? I Trusted Christ!
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