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Old Fri Nov 16, 2007, 10:26pm
SCalScoreKeeper SCalScoreKeeper is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Menifee,CA
Posts: 860
Smile Experience

I serve as the official scorekeeper for a small Christian high school in Southern California in two sports and they are volleyball (JV/Varisty Girls/Playoffs)and basketball (Var Girls & Boys, Tournaments, and Playoffs). I just completed my third season of volleyball and am entering my fourth year of basketball. As you can imagine this means I've logged hundreds of hours behind a scorers table and seen the way a lot of table officials behave. The worst problems I have ever seen is visiting scorekeepers wearing I-pods or talking on their cell phones. They do stop when the floor officials tell them to however.
In our basketball league we play all four teams (JV Girls, JV Boys, Var Girls, Var Boys) on the same night starting at 3:00! I show up early to avoid the traffic getting into school and supervise scorekeepers for the games I'm not responsible for.
Here are a list of things I look for when teaching and watching basketball scorkeepers:
A. Introduce yourself to the officiating crew- This sets the tone for your game together as friendly and professional!
B. NO DISTRACTIONS DURING YOUR GAME- This could mean anything from cell phones and I-PODS to significant others hanging around near the table. If you have to be on your phone please wait either until halftime or your game is over.
C. Signal- You have got to signal for 1 & 1, Double Bonus, and 5 fouls! I also signal the type of time out if it is not reported to floor officials and # remaining if late in the game.
D. Bench Interaction- Make sure you notify coaches when kids reach the following foul benchmarks: 2 quick fouls in first half, 3 fouls, 4 fouls, and 5 fouls. When you notify coaches of foul trouble make sure they are not talking with their players.
E. Book-
1. Fill in all pertinent pre-game information (Teams, Date, Site, Officials Names, Scorekeeper's Name, Players Names & Jersey Numbers)!
2. Put 3 full timeouts and 2 30's at the top of your book!
3. Write timeouts in correctly! (Find the period then write in the time remaining and separate it from type used by a dash.)
4. Running Score is marked and filled out correctly!
5. Quarters are totaled!
6. Fouls are marked correctly and any questions are asked immediately!
In my experience when student assistants know they are being watched the quality of their work is exemplary!
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