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Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 07:30pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
No. If you report it one way, that's it. It's not correctable. If you report it correctly and the scorer hears you wrong, that's a scorer's error and it's correctable until the game is completed.
I don't agree with your take on this. I do agree that it is not one of the five correctable errors, so a timeframe does not apply.

My opinion is that the reporting and recording of fouls is entirely within the bookkeeping realm and such a mistake can be corrected at any time during the game. If for any reason an official reports a foul on the wrong player that can and should be fixed with definite knowledge. It is not right to screw someone over because an official got confused. Perhaps the official reported the number of the player who got fouled instead of the one who committed the foul. When that is realized, it needs to be fixed. Your statement does not allow for that.
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