Originally Posted by tnsteele95
Hey, the name's Dale, and I'm new to the forum. My question, I'm a new ref who will be working with another new ref. We both understand most mechanics, but was wondering about the opening tip. Where does the non-tipping ref stand during the jump? Thx guys.
Dale, welcome to the forum! Read and ask questions! Then, you will learn, learn, and learn some more.
I am assuming that that you are using a two-person crew. Also, you don't specify if this is an interscholastic contest. Are you a member of an official's association? Do you have the copies of the Rule Book, Case Book, and the Officials Manual?
The answer that you desire is on page 18 of the Officials Manual - 2.2 Putting the Ball In Play.
If you do not have the books, you can go to the NFHS web site (
http://www.nfhs.org) and order the three manuals.