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Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 10:32am
Rick Durkee Rick Durkee is offline
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Location: Winchester, NH
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Which rule do I follow?

Originally Posted by Rick Durkee
The ball is at the disposal of A1 for the second of two free throws. B1 steps into the lane, and then A4, who is not occupying a lane space, steps below the free throw line extended. When A4 committed his violation, he was near the sideline. As prescribed in 9-1-Penalties 3 and 4b, officials cancel the goal and administer an "altenating-possesion throw-in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the simultaneous violation occurred." Where is the nearest spot?
While looking for another rule I found 6-4-3g. 6-4-3, when compbined with part "g," says, "Alternating-possession throw-ins shall be from the out of bounds spot nearest to where the ball was located. An alternating-possession throw-in shall result when:...Simultaneous floor or free throw violations occur."

This would solve the problem from the original post, but it seems to contradict the language of 9-1 Penalties 3 and 4. Is it indeed a contradiction, or am I missing something? If it is a contradiction, is there some way to resolve it?
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