Thread: Good Tuesday
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Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 10:09am
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Originally Posted by Splute
Well its tomorrow.... Girls JV, 10th A & B.... didnt go as perfect as I had hoped, but it wasnt a total disaster either. Home team gets jump ball; fails to score, visitors rebound and drive for score.. Home team blocks shot, all ball and partner calls foul on home team... that is when it started Visitors second possession, same situation, all ball, foul, Home coach goes ballistic. That set the tone and the home crowd rode us the rest of the night. I believe the calling improved, but the crowd was not happy with anything we called. I stayed for the Varsity game to see if they called it differently regarding fouls and to watch how experienced officials work. They called it the same as we did, but didnt get the same crowd remarks. So here are the things I take away from the game that I need to improve on:
1 Better communication with partner (several minor issues that made us look bad)
2. Posture / solid calling & reporting
3. Bonus administration (this one bites: my partner, lead, called a foul, I didnt catch the player that was fouled, we inbound and are informed of bonus situation... yep, you guessed it... who is going to shoot? curses!!!)
4. Study the rules, AGAIN!
5. Communication with partner!!

For my first School game ever, I think it was positive.... at least I am not going to give up just yet.
Love that you've got a list to work on - sounds a lot like most "first games" in that there are pieces that just don't work well, and others that work very well. Communication and confidence will go a long way to cleaning things up.

One thing you'll notice as you work, (at least this is true from my experience) is that the lower the level, the more hostile the crowd will be. Just tune them out!
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