I just got my schedule for a tournament this weekend. Don't really like the format the UIC uses, so I thought I would check with "my buddies on the board" to see how your tournament schedules work.
The UIC of this group uses a 1 on 1 off format. So I am scheduled to start at 8am and finish at 9pm - only calling 5 games all day. Usually, I am more tired from waiting than from calling the games. Also, it seems like it is harder to get into the flow of the tournament.
The format I prefer is the Plate - Field - Off format. With this format you can schedule a morning crew and an afternoon crew. It allows you to get into a good flow and you only have to spend 1/2 of a day to call the same amount of games.
What do y'all think?
[Edited by ntxblue on May 10th, 2002 at 12:06 PM]