Originally posted by johnSandlin
That is something that I stress in my pre-game to the captains. If you do not understand call, please do not hesitate to ask. Plus, I think it develops a good relationship between players and officials before the game starts. Players realize that they can come and ask our officiating crew a question.
I'm not trying to be a wise-guy, but do you really think that anything you say in the captains' conference is going to develop a relationship with the players? First of all, you're only talking to 4 or maybe 6 players at the most, not the whole teams. Second, they're not listening to anything you say anyway. They don't need or want your approval to question your calls. You don't need to encourage them to talk to you.
Just my opinion, but the captains' meeting should go like this: "I'm Mr. A, that's Mr. B. Who's your floor captain tonight? Good luck."