Thread: NEW 3-5-2d
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Old Fri Nov 09, 2007, 01:50pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Our state received a response from the NFHS on this issue.
This was an editorial change…no need for any kind of documentation….from a doctor or otherwise. We can make certain assumptions about what is being worn…knee sleeve, brace, etc. are usually worn for medical purposes. If there is a doubt, all the official has to do is ask the student-athlete, coach, trainer, anyone….”is that being worn for medical purposes?” If the answer is yes, then it’s fine. Vast majority of items will comply. No need to over-think or over-officiate this. If anything was required, medical documentation or a doctor’s note, it would have been stated that way.

Mary Struckhoff
Assistant Director
Basketball & Softball Rules Editor
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