Successful InTERvention is what it should say...
I was calling a Jr Hi game on Tuesday - modified NFHS rules.
R3 comes in on a hit into the outfield. F2 mostly blocking the plate. R3 brushed F2 as she touches the edge of the plate - not a collision, really. Runner touched home, so I let it go. Jr Hi, after all.
Coach wants runner called out because she did not slide.
I explain - "no play being made, catcher was blocking the plate, there is no 'must slide' rule."
He insists it was one of the rule modifications made for Jr Hi.
I smile & say, "sure it was." End of discussion, good sportsmanship, etc. Coach did not continue.
I called the athletic director the next day to ask if there had been another change to the rules. The rule was NOT there, however, the coach had already gotten to him, and had convinced him that the "must slide" rule needed to be added.
I explained the existing NFHS rule; I warned him of the safety danger & possible liability issue with requiring Jr Hi kids to slide, when many of them don't know how to slide, and haven't been adequately coached in how to slide.
I think he understood. I hope he understood!
Volunteering to umpire Jr Hi games sure has been an adventure!