had a case last season. One partner's father passed away and we were assigned a new guy who had never done 3 man or college. We found out about all this a few hours prior to game.
We did a pre-game. Unfortunately the new guy was not very early. There were times he did ok - but there were some major problems that occurred late in the game. My other partner and I did a post game with him and he admitted being in way over his head. We vowed if it ever happened again we would find a spot that we could walk around and show rotations/switches etc even if it was in a McD's parking lot.
New guy came with us to other games when he was available. We did some 3 man with MS games with him (coaches approval) and he became quite good. When one of our crew is unavailable - we go to him first now.
It's just a lot to get into your head on the run.
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!