Wed Nov 07, 2007, 08:30am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
I would like to request the poster who started this thread to give us some history of behind his query.
Here's the history:
Tech on Coach situation
10.5.1: "...for the purpose of coaching his team." Standing silent is not coaching. Kneeling and watching the play is not coaching (and it's dangerous for the refs). Yelling at me is not coaching.
case 10.5.1.E: last sentence. "...if he/she wishes to stand when permitted under the optional coaching box privileges."
Furthermore, The Kansas State HS Activities Association announcements publication states "The head coach may: 1) Stand to instruct (coach) then, 2) sit down, 3) not kneel, squat, pace, or stand during a live ball."
Again, there is some leniency, but if the rule was intended that the head coach could remain standing the entire game, the rule would state, "While in the confines of the coaching box, the head coach may remain standing during all live ball situations." It doesn't. It states "for the purpose of coaching".
That poster then posted the name, address and phone number of the Kansas grand poobah of basketball. Somebody has emailed said poobah, and the original poster of this thread is asking if the poobah has answered.