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Old Mon Nov 05, 2007, 07:52pm
dblref dblref is offline
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Originally Posted by Stat-Man
Rain-Maker: Thanks, you do have a point.

At this particular school, they use students as the home book (for the most part). That's why I referred to the official scorer as a student. I was trying to convey that someone other than me was doing the home book. Perhaps I could have been clearer in this regard.


Back to the original discussion, I won't disagree that the official game crew of the official scorer, timer, and even the shot clock operator, should give their undivided attention to the game (meaning no yapping on cell phones). Anyone else (visiting scorer, sports info. directors (SIDs), statisticians, media at an adjacent "press row") is not in an official role and as long as they aren't editorializing official's calls or creating an unignorable distraction, I don't think it's a big deal. At one of the schools in this particular league, the sports info guy comes and does computer stats for his team and he also serves as the league info director. So, he talks calls all night form the other schools with their scores while he's inputting the game stats (without missing a beat). I don't remember being distracted by his phone ringing, but perhaps he has his on vibrate.

I just think that an official telling him he has to leave the table for taking phone calls, when they are brief and don't seem to distract anyone is making more of a scene than the SID doing his job. But I guess in dblref's judgement, anyone using a cell phone or having a ringing one is subject to being asked to leave.

I guess we agree to disagree here.
If you are going to comment on my post, at least comment on what I actually said. I stated earlier that I had already warned the individual about using the cell phone, and it rang again just as the shooter was about to take the shot. Yes, it was a distraction -- to the shooter, to the officials, yada yada yada. That's why he was removed.

And you are absolutely correct. We agree to disagree. That's why they make more than one flavor of ice cream.
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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