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Old Mon Nov 05, 2007, 04:30pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Husker John
I am only a coach so I may be off base here, but don't the answers to the block kicked portions of these questions depend on where the kick was blocked at? For example, if the kick was blocked beyond the LOS then B retains the ball under these scenarios.
True. "Blocked kick" is a defined term in Canadian football, but not USAn, but AFAIK it's not used in USAn rules anyway. (Like the way "charged down" was not defined for a very long time in Rugby Union.) I think, however, we understood the situation described to be one where the kicked ball is rising or level and where team R can react to it only rapidly and not have a chance to catch it, so that will almost always happen in or on team K's side of the neutral zone, expanded.

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