Originally Posted by RichMSN
I work in an amateur adult league where we get $70 for a 9-inning wood bat league. I am also the assignor. I've talked to teams about the game fee, which I (as an umpire) would like to see increase at least $10, especially since single college games are paying $90 to $100. A prevailing comment is that "we wouldn't mind paying YOU the extra money, but there are guys who don't deserve (really) the money they get now."
I've seen some work and I know that anyone who wants to work will and it becomes harder to argue for an increase. Supply and demand. So when the top umpires sit down next season, we'll see how the league handles the situation. The cynical me says they'd rather save $20 a game than have good umpiring.
We called to task that very idea, Rich, by breaking out the costs per player over an entire season to raise pay to $125 for the top flight umpires, less for others. In order to back the concept of "top flight", we instituted a required e-learning experience, graded tests and exams, (several other concrete qualification determiners) and a website for two coaches per team to evaluate umpires. Lack of evaluation means that team has to pony up a $50 per game per coach fine.
The cost per player as nominal, $20 more than the $250 league fee.
Put up or shut up, on both sides, players and officials.