Originally Posted by Dakota
When I was in TX, they had an "early voting" system. Still do, I suppose.
But you could go to the court house (or wherever they set it up) and vote as much as a month or so early (as I recall). They shut down early voting a couple of days before the actual election. They do still have traditional absentee ballots, but the early voting means you can deal with business trips, vacations, scheduled surgery, etc., without having to vote absentee.
I noticed in the Amarilla paper this morning they still do that, and they made a big splash about how these offices were open on Saturday to handle the early voters.
I was a young reporter working for enuf money to keep me in peanuts and beer when they finally changed from just the absentee to the early voting. Too many folks were being a bit untruthful about their need to vote absentee. Best thing they did down there behind abolishing the poll tax.
(For you Yankees, the poll tax was yet another way many of the old Confederate states kept many blacks from voting. Of course when LBJ was running for office they all voted, right beside dead people and 13 folks from Mexico who had never waded across the Rio Grande.)