Fri Nov 02, 2007, 08:20am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
This is an email that I posted a few weeks ago. I received it from my college (D3) commissioner.
For the 2007-08 season, every stakeholder group involved in NCAA Basketball, including the
WBCA and NABC, has made a unified commitment to see substantial improvement in the
enforcement of appropriate bench decorum. This was unanimously affirmed by the Collegiate
Commissioners Association October 1, 2007.
Throughout the season, the following rules and guidelines shall direct officials and coaches in
the administration of bench decorum:
1. Head coaches and other bench personnel who engage in the following unsporting actions, in
or out of the coaching box, are in violation of the bench decorum rules and should be
assessed, without warning, a direct technical foul (Excerpted from the NCAA Men's and
Women's Basketball Rule Book: Rule 10-4.1, Appendix III; Officiating Guidelines):
a. Disrespectfully addressing an official (i.e., questioning the integrity of an official,
voicing displeasure about officiating through continuous verbal remarks).
b. Attempting to influence an official ?s decision (i.e.,physically charging toward an
c. Using profanity or language that is abusive, vulgar or obscene (i.e., directed
toward an official, opponents or anyone).
d. Taunting or baiting an opponent.
e. Objecting to an official's decision by rising from the bench or using gestures (i.e.,
excessively demonstrating officiating signals [e.g., traveling, holding, verticality]
or excessively demonstrating by use of gestures or actions that indicate
displeasure with officiating).
f. Inciting undesirable crowd reactions.
g. Entering the playing court unless done with permission of an official to attend to
an injured player.
2. The rule states that the head coach shall remain in his/her team's coaching box.A coach is
outside the coaching box when he or she is clearly and completely outside of the prescribed
coaching box.
3. By rule, a coach may legally leave the coaching box during play only under the following
conditions: to prevent a fight from escalating, to point out a scoring or timing mistake, to
request a timeout to ascertain whether a correctable error needs to be rectified or to seek
information from the official scorer or timer during a timeout or an intermission.
However, if a head coach is found to be outside the coaching box appropriately
communicating with officials, coaching his/her team, engaged in miscellaneous legal activity
or minor conduct infractions a single warning shall be issued. Subsequent infractions will
result in a direct technical foul.
4. The head coach is responsible for the conduct and behavior of all bench personnel.
NOTE: Game officials will be responsible to enforce the aforementioned guidelines throughout
the season; consistency in doing so will affect conference and/or NCAA championship selection and assignments.