Thread: FIBA Question
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Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 03:08pm
Jay R Jay R is offline
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My thoughts.

1. Travel in FIBA, although a casebook example says that two hands on the ball by the defender would be a jump ball.

2. Travel for sure.

3. Have to see it. If the defender touches the ball and it becomes losse, no call. If the offensive player voluntarily releases the ball and catches it again, travel. My understanding is that this is not a shot but the ball becomes losse because the defender knocks the ball out of his hands. Odd Duck, if you mean something else, please clarify.

PS. FIBA did produce a casebook in 2006. It is probably the only FIBA document not available on their website. I have a copy which I bought through Basketbal New Brunswick here in Canada.

SmokeEater, careful; with your wording. The shot attempt does not end on the release, only team control. The act of shooting continues until both feet have returned to the ground (one foot in NCAA, not sure about NFHS?). Having said that, it has no relevance for this question.
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