Originally posted by Cornellref
Mark: I agree that good refs such as yourself and others that are experienced are good at making perfectly unbiased calls. However, after playing in hundreds of officiated games (middle school and HS) and working well over 100 games myself, I often see this occur. I'm not trying to knock all officials, but in general, arguing hurts your chances at getting breaks. I am young so my view may be off, but I think what happens is a subconscious mechanism. No official I know would do it on purpose (as you state). This is just my opinion, so you can relax man.
Maybe your perception is because you feel you got calls going against you because you argued when you played?

(note winky face)
I think its fair to say that some less experienced, more emotional officials may do this, but the majority of officials deal with an arguing player early, then forget about it.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If one is officiating in this manner, one won't be around long.
BTW - around Portland, players who argue are said to have "Rasheed-itis".