Thread: Is this a T?
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Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 02:58pm
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
The pass allowed in matter how far you stretch the definition...must have A1 getting the ball to A2 for it to even remotely fit the provisions under the rule.

This is a common sense issue, the intent of the rule wasn't to allow A1 to sit the ball down and not have a teammate replace them as the thrower.

As I said earlier and it was lost...the best way to handle this is to do what you'd do if a thrower fumbled the ball...blow the whistle, kill it, and get the throw-in re-started.
How do you know A2 isn't going to come over and pick up the ball? If B1 doesn't reach through and grab the ball, do you still blow it dead and restart the count with a new inbouder? That would be quite unfair to Team B.
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