Thread: FIBA Question
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Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 08:11am
Odd Duck Odd Duck is offline
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FIBA Question

I know the ruling under NFHS, but have been told the ruling would be different under FIBA...but I want a second opinion. Please cite the rule if possible.

Three scenerios:

1) Player jumps to shoot (or pass). Defender gets hand on ball preventing player from releasing ball. Both come down with hand on ball.

2) Same scenerio, but defender only has hand on ball momentarily and loses contact prior to offensive player returning to the floor. Offensive player then returns to the court with the ball.

3) Same as #2, except offensive player lets go of ball while in the air and then regains ball while still in the air. Offensive player then returns to the court with the ball.

What do you have?
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