I know if a ball does not cross the the plate in the strike zone in flight, it is a ball, unless it does not make it over the baselines, then it is a balk/illegal pitch. I also am aware that the batter is allowed to swing at a ball that hits in front of the plate and then bounces over the plate; of which (s)he accepts the results: hit, strike, foul, etc. However, what if the ball hits in fair territory (in front of the plate or in the front plate side corner of the batter's box) or in foul territory (behind that imaginery extension of the baseline that separates foul from fair in the batter's box), then bounces up and hits the batter?
NHFS 8-1-1d states a when a batter becomes a runner. However, it, or no other rule makes a note of distinction of whether there is a different call if the ball bounces first rather than hitting the batter in flight. The case book makes no distinction either. I have asked local umpires, and they have no accurate source of what is the correct call to make either. So, we could all use some help. Thanks.