Originally Posted by bisonlj
That reminds me of a situation we had earlier this year. Team A has a 70 yard run to the B 3 yard line. At about the B 5 yard line, there is a block in the back by A. As the runner is being tackled, there is a face mask penalty by B. The penalties were offset and the down replayed back at the A 27 yard line. Could A have declined the face mask so they could take the ball first and 10 at the B 13 yard line? At the time I thought it was unfair that B gained an advantage BECAUSE of the foul.
Rule 10-2-1...It is a double foul if both teams commit fouls, other than unsportsmanlike or nonplayer, during the same live-ball period in which: a. There is no change of team possession, unless all fouls committed by R are post-scrimmage kick fouls.
It goes on to say that in (a), (b) or (c), the penalties cancel and the down is replayed.
So in this case, no one is given options and the down is replayed. You're right, B's own foul did become a huge advantage for them.