AFA was just picking up steam here in MN, when this happens:
Massive Director Exodus
The directors that left include Jack Spahr (Kansas, Colorado), Harry Hosey (Oklahoma), Larry Parker (Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota), Ed Serdar (Illinois, Indiana), Tommy Voss (Texas, Louisiana) ,and Ed Kimminau (Kansas, Colorado with Jack Spahr).
They have all apparently joined, as a group,
the NAFA, which until now has been exclusively a men's fastpitch organization. A
Girls and Women's division has been apparently formed.
Do any of you who are old hands with the AFA national organization know what went on to cause such a split?
As a rules junky, I (of course) had to check out this NAFA, and I found a new record for the smallest rule book. Check this out:
NAFA Playing Rules.