Nebraska's playoffs are a bit complicated because of the variations in classifications. Class A (the biggest class) started their regular season on Week 0, where some Classes B-D2 schools started theirs the same week. Everybody else started on week 1. Those teams playing on week 0 got a bye week somewhere along the line. Week 8 is actually the last week of the regular season for everyone except for Class B. Class B's regular season ends on week 9, which is the first week of the state playoffs for everyone else.
The playoffs on week 9 are for Classes C1-D2 (32 qualifiers in each class) on Thursday (Oct. 25), and Class A (16 qualifiers) on Friday (Oct. 26). The following Wednesday (Oct. 31), Class B has it's first round games (16 qualifiers) while C1-D2 has it's 2nd round, and then Friday night (Nov. 2), it's Class A's turn with their quarterfinals. Classes B-D2 have their quarterfinals on the Monday after that (Nov. 5). Class A has their semifinals on Friday, Nov. 9, while the other classes have theirs on Saturday, Nov. 10. The state championship games are played in Lincoln on Thursday, Nov. 15 (8 man classes D1 and D2); Friday, November 16 (Classes C-2 and A-I believe that's right), and Saturday, November 17 (Classes C-1 and B-again, I think that's the order).
I don't know how they do assigning of officials for the playoffs, because my crew had applied for 2 years, and we haven't been fortunate enough to get a contract.