MLBU - what kind of program would you run
Hi All:
It's the off-season and we have had many a thread on Professional Baseball Umpiring so I will give you all a chance:
Today / Tomorrow
YOU are named Commissioner of Major League Baseball. Also, Let's strictly concentrate on Umpire issues not the "other" issues a Commissioner is responsible for
The Subject of Professional Umpires is on the Agenda.
What type of Program would you run?
1. It's a known fact that unless you make it to the BIGS it is very difficult to make a living on a Minor League umpires salary. One could make more money being manager of Wal-Mart
Therefore, would you as Commissioner FIRST address the Minor league System. If Major League baseball truly wants the Best of the Best then it stands to reason that the Pay Scale / Living Conditions in the Minor leagues should be improved so that more candidates are attracted.
2. Would you have the rule- book re-written?
3. What type of rating system would you imploy? Should being a Professional major League baseball umpire be "for life"
4. Would you adopt IR and if so to what extent?
5. The Strike Zone? Would you re-define it? Also would you stress the PRO Schools to make certain that for the most part EVERY umpire call the strike zone the same way.
6. Mentoring Program - Would you hire EX major Leaguers ie; Steve Palermo etc. to mentor the young umpires.
7. Other - What "other" items about umpiring would you address
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth