HS game - partner and I are doing the equipment check thing, and while doing the visitors gear we find three helmets with cracks along the brim.
First major problem is that this team only had 6 helmets to start with; so, before notifing this coach that we just dumped half his helmets we notify the home team coach of the problem and ask if the visitors can use some of his extras (home team has 14), not a problem the home team coach responds.
So, we approach the visiting team coach and calmly say that the home team has some helmets that your players can borrow because some of yours are unfit for play.
One would think that this would be the end of the issue, think again. This coach goes bonkers, stating the usual: "no other umpire's have bothered with this problem so why the big deal now. You guys got to get your acts together, this is BS!".
First off, we advise him that we do not make the rules, we just follow them for the sake of our own liability. Second, we do not have any prior knowledge of whether or not previous umpire's have done equipment checks. Third, if as he stated, these helmets have been like this for some time that he could be held personally responsible if a player is injured, and that we will make a record of todays equipment situation.
This coach then proceeds to state that he is not blaming us but that our umpire association is to blame for not having consistency at the games on the equipment checks.
Is it any wonder that coaches use the legalese phrase: "to the best of my knowledge", when asked at during a pre-game conference if their players are properly equipped. Gee, I wonder who's kiester they are protecting; and, whose they will try to hang out to dry if there is an incident?????