Originally Posted by REFVA
I've posted to this forum for some time. Last year I was selected to officiate D3 womens side and never did a game. I was told by most of you that my age wouldn't play a role. I turned 50, This year I went to a number of camps, slimmed down some weight, became more defined in my built, worked on my speed. Yet this year I must have gotten worst becuase not only didn't I not get recruited. I did'nt get a second look at. I was told that I improved from last year, which again I didn't get an assignment, yet this year I got better but didn't get selected. I've been doing basketball all year round, of course I did some AAu, Summer HS and Fall HS both boys and girls. I have gone to some clinics worked with some D-1 officials, one which is also an NBA evaultor and rule interpreter. yet I get worst.
The questions here is, do we get burnt out and not even know it. and it displays on the court? Yet we as individuals don't see it ourselves.
be gentle on the comments, thanks
At the HS level, there are GREAT refs doing varsity. There are also average refs doing varsity. There are GREAT refs doing soph/JV. Why aren't the GREAT soph/JV refs doing varsity?
1) Good ole' boy network - out of your control
2) the average varsity refs are "good enough" to meet demand and are a known quantity. - out of your control
3) Not their time yet - schedulers aren't as knowledgable about them as their partners are. Within your control - Have your partners speak up for you.