Had a little scare yesterday...
I was working a 10U fall-ball friendly with bkbjones yesterday, he had the dish. About an hour into the game, we finished the inning and met on the line, and he asked me to feel his chest... it's racing like you wouldn't believe. We asked one of the coaches if he had a parent who's a nurse or an EMT, and he does. We got bkbjones off the field, away from the players, and the EMT checked him out. Heart rate through the roof, and blood pressure way higher than normal.
Long story short the EMT called 911 and he was shipped off to the local ER. They got him stablized, medicated, the whole thing. I had one more game, then went to the ER to check on him. He was released last night, I drove him back to get his car at the park. He'll be ok.
We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts.