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Old Mon Oct 22, 2007, 01:00am
justanotherblue justanotherblue is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: At the base of the mountains
Posts: 377
I attended the Evans Academy two years ago. What you can expect is to work hard every day. Your spend anywhere from two to four hours a day in the classroom going over EVERY word in the rule book, as well as the "red book". You will have ...dang.... what was it 13 tests including a 200 question final alone. I think it comes out to a total of 750+ test questions throughout the program. That doesn't include all the handouts and school work and book materials. Every afternoon your be doing drills. Usually until the sun goes down. It's not uncommon to work on the field until six. Your work in the cages every day. Rather than work one or two innings of a live game, your do camp games. You will be introduced to most situations you WON'T run into in a normal game, and then some. Your be put through several confrontations and ejection situations, and have to write reports on them. Oh yeah, that has to be done along with all the other classroom work. All in all, your work your butt off. If your planning on attending this winter, start running now! You will lose weight and be in much better shape when your done!!!! Why....because there's running in being an Umpire.

Good luck
Its' not a matter of being right or wrong, it's a matter of working hard to get it right.

Last edited by justanotherblue; Mon Oct 22, 2007 at 01:02am.
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