Originally posted by omar23456
We have a coach for a High School Softball team that insists that he be allowed to coach from the coaching box in a wheel chair during the game. I can not find anything in the rule book that says he can not coach in the coaches box. I feel this is a safety issue, he may not be able to move out of the way of both the ball or players. HELP what do I do?????

That is a tough one...Maybe the governing body from you State
can come up with something. I was thinking maybe something
along the lines of like a Designated Media Area...But to have
him that close to the playing action does seem a little risky.
Unfortunate for him, but most of the player nowadays are super
quick. I don't think he could possibly remove himself from the
action quickly enough. Definiately a safety hazard. Maybe one of
the others on this Forum has an answer.
Welcome aboard. Your first post is a gem...