Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I think the whole fight is treated as a "simultaneous" situation and offset each other (to the extent they are equal).
NFHS rule 10-6PENALTIES(Rule 10 Summary)8b(2) seems to say exactly that:
Bench personnel leaving the team bench during a fight or when a fight may break out:
(2)"Participate in the fight-all participants are assessed flagrant personal fouls and disqualified. The head coach is assessed one indirect technical foul for each bench player participating in the fight. If the number of each's team's participants is corresponding, no free throws are awarded and the ball is put into play at the point of interruption. If the number of each team's participants is unequal, two free throws are awarded the offended team for each additional player, followed by a division line throw-in opposite the table".
There's no mention anywhere in there of the fighting participation fouls having to be against each other or occur simultaneously, as Nevada is recommending.
Note: Another question is how many indirect "T"s is each head coach assessed.