Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
In most associations, the NCAA umpires are (obviously) the best, the officers, the trainers, or, at least, the role models.
Not to take away any of the accomplishments of those who work NCAA ball, but I have to disagree that is it a given that these umpires are the best, and not just in softball. It isn't the association that makes the umpire, it is the person inside the uniform.
Even though it sometimes feels as if it is, officiating is not our fulltime job. There are many officials which have job and family commitments that prohibit them from working NCAA ball, just as it does working HS ball in some areas. That does not make them any less an umpire. I have some very good umpires in my area. Some work NCAA, some do not. Some who work NCAA place themselves above the rest, and others will move from NCAA to pro to international to co-rec SP to HS FP to JO tournament and back to NCAA within a week. To me, the latter is the role model.
And being a good umpire does not lock you into a place with NCAA ball. A great part of getting decent assignments, if any at all, is an umpire's ability to interact with the coaches along the way. Sometimes, it isn't that easy and right or wrong, some assignors will take their marching orders from the conferences/schools which pay them or someone else may be getting those calls the following year. These folks have one of the hardest jobs to do as it is a very thin line they must walk.
Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away. Steve makes some good points, just wanted to add a little clarification.