Originally Posted by JerBear
My understanding of a goal kick is that it must be inside the lined area in front of the goal and the ball must be stationary. It is permissable to move the ball from one side to the other but it must be stationary before being kicked. The resolution to this would be a re-kick if the ball was still moving when struck by the defending team. If the defending team had a player that regularly moved the ball from one side or the other and kicked the ball b-4 it was stopped, how many times would you guys allow this before you Y-card for P-I? The level of play is U-13 classic so the kid should know how to react to referee instuctions.
I would only card this moving from side to side if I considered it a time wasting tactic. Then I would write it up as UC rather than PI. That's probably just a matter of choice for each official, though. It sounds like more of a teaching opportunity to me. Even @ U-13 they can get so excited that they don't let it fully come to rest.