Fair catch question
Never seen this before. K1 punts. As the ball starts to come down R1, standing straight up, starts waving both arms parallel to the ground in such a way that it looks like a baseball umpire calling a runner safe and it looks like he wants everybody to get away from the ball. So far I have nothing thinking he's not going to field it and will let the ball go to die. However, instead of running away from the ball he is now heading toward where the ball is going to come down while he is still waving. He stops waving a few feet short of where the ball ultimately lands but is still going in that direction. All of a sudden the ball hits the ground and it bounces right up to him and he fields it and wants to start to run. I blow the play dead and throw a flag for an invalid signal.
Redding talks about an invalid signal being "any waving signal." I've let that signal go all the time but R1 always clears out and never fields the ball. This time the difference was that he fielded it.
What do you guys think? Weak? Good call? Maybe, maybe not?
Last edited by sj; Sat Oct 13, 2007 at 01:37am.