Originally Posted by KSRef07
The part one rules test Q34 states, "The ROP procedure starts over in each situation and a violation in one situation does not carry over to another". See rule 7.5.1. C. This rule seems to indicate that, if only one team violates (say Team A), the "next" time Team A violates under ROP WHEN AUTHORIZED TO MAKE A THROW IN (which could be 10 minutes later), is charged a technical foul. This implies one situation DOES carry over to another. Thoughts?
4-38 specifies a violation for the intitial call only. [If violation -> oppponent get the ball.]
7-5-1c "clarifies" that if that team does it again, then a technical foul is charged. [If "T" -> opponent shoots and gets the ball for being a repeating offense.]
7-5-1d further "clarifies"