REPLY: Robert...For me 'refusal to play' would require a declaration by the head coach that he is not planning on having his team return to the field--and that declaration would be made to the referee with at least one other official witnessing the declaration. This has nothing to do with resumption of play or anything. It simply means that he's willing to have the game end with a forfeit. Simply not being ready should result in a DOG foul. Refusing to play is something much more than that. And as I mentioned earlier, I would never blow the ready for play when Team A is on the field and Team B is not. Step 1: DOG against Team B; Step 2: Order Team B to return to the field at the same time telling the coach that rule 3-6-3 will allow me to forfeit the game if he doesn't comply within 2 minutes; Step 3: Start the two minute clock (on my watch of course); Step 4: Warn the coach when he has 30 seconds left (not required; just a courtesy); Step 5: Raise the ball over my head declaring the game forfeited; Step 6: Go home
If a coach refuses to return his team to the field, I don't know what else you could do--short of begging.
Bob M.