Originally Posted by Camron Rust
There can never be a firm stance on it. You're dealing with situations and personalities (coaches and officials) that are as varied as anything can be. Basically, it's an art. Those that work college for more than one assignor can tell you this. They have to change things they do from game to game to match what each assignor wants....the assignors never agree on how things should be done. The ones that can adapt from game to game to keep each assignor happy last the longest.
Understood. I've been in 5 different associations, and the PBOA is by far the best, so I am really not unhappy with it at all. I feel like I have been treated more than fairly for my own progress in the association. It's only things like this that make it difficult to know what's really the right way to do things - the things that aren't so black and white. There's a lot of "do as I say, not as I do" advice given from some of the old guard. It makes it tough to take their advice very seriously. I know that Howard will always back me up, and that is a great feeling. You also know that I respect your opinions and appreciate your viewpoints.
Originally Posted by Camron Rust
You might be suprised on this point!!  Keep your eyes open...something is coming...and soon.
That is OUTSTANDING news! I can't wait to see what they've done. Thanks for the teaser, Camron!