Originally Posted by justanotherblue
I work with several very good umpires who haven't gone through a Pro school. They have attended several outside clinics however, and it shows. They're very good and fun to work with. Don't get me wrong, I still make mistakes as we all do, going to pro school allows me to recognize it immediatly when I do. I know well before my partner asks for that beer I owe for it  As for the new association, I was recruited by several other umpires in my area that are tired of all the good ol boy mantallity. Accepting no once in a while is exceptable and underestandable. Being told it don't work here isn't, especially before it's even tried or explained!
Remember that proschool mechanics are not always the "be-all, end-all." PBUC makes several changes to mechanics when the honor grads get there.
I worked games with my son when he got home from proschool and again when he got home from PBUC. The difference in his mechanics were noticeable. Then when he got home from his first season in MiLB, the mechanics changed by the evaluators were also noticeable.