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Old Mon Oct 08, 2007, 09:36am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by MJT
What I am saying is if the QB is moving his arm forward to throw the ball, but changes his mind and he stops his arm (as in the play described) but the ball comes out, I think it is considered a forward pass.
In USAn rules sets, "fumble" is a type of loose ball defined by exclusion; lack of volition does not figure in making it a fumble. In the case above, the ball is considered to have been thrown, albeit involuntarily, so because it can be considered a pass, it does not "fall thru" (in computer programming terms) to "fumble" as a default.

Because of the way loose balls are defined, it is thus possible to have an involuntary pass or a voluntary fumble. For example, if someone were to attempt the equivalent of what would be a "leave pass" in soccer or hockey by laying the ball on the ground, that would be a fumble rather than a pass in USAn football. That determination would have relevance in terms of the 4th down fumble rules in NCAA & NFL.

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