Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I note, however, that you don't indicate which part was the "humor." I'm guessing it was the part where you were working a game involving the best players from Ontario.
Nope that wasn't a joke.
http://www.pblo.ca/. I was going to do a doubleheader yesterday, but it got rained out. I drove 35 minutes to the park, found out no one was there, and am not getting a cent for it. They aren't even covering the gas costs. That is not a joke. Any of you guys get jerked around by the league like that?
And yes I am as much a high school umpire as one can be around here. I do a lot of 16-18 year old intercity games, which is just as good as high school would be down in the states, and what am I supposed to call that level of ball? It's not Little League because they are older and they are rep, it's not college, nor university. High school ball is the most accurate description because those guys are in high school.