Sun Oct 07, 2007, 10:24am
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
Not really an issue, but food for thought.
College fall ball. SRW is PU, Promising Rookie is BU, moi is evaluating and chatting up pretty women.
R2 and R3, less than 2 outs. BU is in C. Low line drive hit to left, fairly close to foul line. BU comes inside to take tag on R2. PU has great position for catch and tag at 3B. R3 brain farts and doesn't tag up, then dashes back to the bag. LF throws a rope to 3B for a banger, and R3 is out.
If R3 was the call at 3B, it IS the BU's call assuming we are using softball designations here. Otherwise, I'd like to know how R3 got in front of R2.