Originally Posted by klo376
I have in instances where they put 3 RB"s in the backfield then pull the TE and put him in motion. I warned the coach first that he needed 7 on the line at the time of the snap. Three plays later he does it again then I threw it. He says the officials last week told him it was ok. But I tried to be more preventative first. My rule of thumb for that age group is warn first then if it's obvious it's drawn illegal and not simply a matter of the WR not checking if their on the line then throw it. Problem is when they do start to see it in MS then they don't understand because it hadn't been called in 4 years.
Are you saying that if a coach played with this formation you'd let it go?
I sure would not call it without talking to the coach and making sure he knew why it was wrong. So I guess the answer is yes we would have run at least one flagless play from that formation with 10 year olds.